Friday, January 11, 2019

  • Introduction to Web Service Testing and API Testing
    • Introduction to Web Service  & API       
    • Why Web Service needed      
    • Types of WebServices (SOAP & REST)  and Difference Between Web Service and Web API
    • Overview of Java web service implementation
    • What is Web Service Testing, Tools available for Web Service Testing
    • Download and Install Postman
    • Postman Navigation
    • Create New Request in Postman, Response in Postman, GET Request in Postman
    • Request Parameters in Postman, POST Request using Postman
    • Basic Authentication in Postman
    • Environment Variables and Collections in Postman
    • Test and Collection Runner in Postman, Monitor Collections,Running Collections Remotely with URL
    • Workflows in Postman and Pre-Request Script in Postman
    • How to DEBUG, Running from Command Line(Newman)
    • POSTMAN in CI/CD, Running Test from Jenkins 
    • Creating  and Managing WorkSpaces 
    • Data Driven Testing in POSTMAN, Reading data from CSV and JSON File
  • Rest API / Assured
    • Client Server Architecture and HTTP Protocol, HTTP Request and Response
    • What is REST and Rest Architectural Elements
    • Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured
    • First Test with Rest-Assured | Making a simple Get request
    • Validate Response Status Code, Header and Body using Rest-Assured
    • Making a Post Request using Rest-Assured
    • Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices
    • REST Api Tesing Framework
    • JSON Basics:What is JSON, JSONPath, How to query JSONPath and Expressions in JsonPath
    • Deserialize Json response to a Class, Array or List, as List of POJO
  • Rest Assured Automation
    • Designing automation framework using Java, Rest API automation scripts on live application
    • Integration with cucumber, serenity BDD